The Internet Homes “Unlimited” Quality Product Management Content but Product Managers Have “Limited” Time.

“Amazing content in a summed up manner! Loved it”

“Your newsletters are truly amazing and I love reading the awesome articles you bring to us. They are not only informative but also so interesting that they don't bore me to death haha. Really love your work and appreciate it.

Hi, I’m glad you are here! I’m Swapnil, product manager at Bytelearn & I welcome you to Rabbit Hole🐰.

🐰 What is Rabbit Hole?

Rabbit Hole is a tri-weekly newsletter for product managers where I skim through 30+ product management publications & send you one best PM article directly into your inbox along with a 60 words summary that smart product managers shouldn't miss!

Loved by 350+ product managers so far!

🤔 Why did I start it?

I started Rabbit Hole because I was overwhelmed by the amount of quality product management content available on the internet. Thus to make the lives of PMs easier I thought of curating the best product management content & delivering the best PM article straight to the inbox helping them find something good to read every day & grow a little each day in their PM career

🧑🏻‍💻 Why you should subscribe?

Trust me it’s difficult to find good PM reads & even if you find it’s pretty hard to routinely read these amazing PM content. That’s where Rabbit Hole steps in by bringing you the best PM articles straight to your inbox.
And not just that, Rabbit Hole ain’t just a newsletter sending your PM articles but it’s a feature-packed newsletter that homes many interesting & valuable content sections that are fun to read & are a great value add to the PMs. Some of the content sections are:

  • Best PM article along with a 60 words summary 🔖

  • The best product management “Tweet of the Day” 🐦

  • Rabbit Hole Top Reads that are loved by the subscribers 💌

  • The best product management “Meme of the Day” 😂

  • The hottest product news that’s making round under “Product Nuggets” 🥜

  • “Product of the Day” 🦄 for product managers to get inspired

  • any many more exciting features to be added along the journey🍿

The amazing part is that Rabbit Hole is completely free!🥳 So go ahead & hit that button below to subscribe!

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One carefully chosen product management article from over 100 sources delivered to your inbox, helping you stay up-to-date and entertained about product management. Join over 750+ smart subscribers 🐰
